
This website hosts the Histology and Embryology for Dental Hygiene textbook. This is an Open Educational Resource (OER) funded by a grant from OpenOregon.org. The primary aim of this text is to take advantage of electronic book technologies. First, the book contains numerous animated images which better illustrate the changes that happen over time during embryogenesis than static images. Two, it takes advantage of overlaying illustrations on top of histology images to better orient students to the major landmarks seen under the microscope. Three, using hyperlinks across the textbook promotes non-linear learning. This is all being done using an open license so other instructors may edit or re-use the contents in ways they see fit (as long as they adhere to the creative commons guidelines and share their adapted work the same way we have here).

The lead author

Laird C Sheldahl, PhD

I currently teach Anatomy & Physiology as well as Histology and Embryology for Dental Hygiene at Mt. Hood Community College. I have authored a Anatomy and Physiology Lab Reference to accompany the OpenStax Anatomy & Physiology textbook.